
Key Points

The Calperum OzFlux Site is the only such site in South Australia, recording fluxes of water vapour, energy and carbon between the earth and the atmosphere. It is providing high quality data which is critical to improving global climate models and the interpretation of remotely sensed climate-related data. The site is part of a national network and is linked to a global network of similar sites and researchers.

The OzFlux Site consists of a tower with high-tech measuring devices and associated data recording, analysis and transmission equipment. It is maintained and monitored by the University of Adelaide, on land managed by the Australian Landscape Trust.

The devices supported by the OzFlux tower apply sophisticated science to measure equally complex information about the state of the atmosphere, for application in leading-edge science about global climate and energy fluxes.

For more information about:

  • The Site, see Calperum Site Overview.
  • The latest data from the Site, see Site Data.
  • The governance of the Site, and the researchers involved, see People.
  • The networks to which the Calperum OzFlux Site contributes, and the partners involved in research, see Partners.
  • The science concerning global climate and atmospheric measurement, see Background Science.